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Showing posts from September, 2024

How to do market research ? In simple terms

                         Only Business  How to do market research ? In today's competitive business world if you want to be successful market research is compulsory , identifying  you are  customers  is very important, it makes easy to develop a product by targeting  a specific  customers rather than providing to everyone in the market , it also helps to create marketing strategies, not to mention it significantly helps in boost your sales.  In this blog we will let you known how to do market research efficiently   why customer segmentation is important ?  before going to "how" lets dive "why customer segmentation is important" ? -Helps in understanding the customer needs and preferences  -Maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty  -Develop tailored products or services  -Targeted marketing campaigns  By this distinct groups you can create a strong connection with the customers, So lets dive into how to do market research  1. Identify into which market segment

What are the aspects makes a business profitable ?

                           Only Business What are the aspects make a business profitable ? Let's find out which are the aspects drive a business profitable  1. Understanding the market     Market research :-                                                      When you are  going to start a business it is very important to do market research , like what is the customer behavior ? what is the present trend in the market ? what is the current valuation of the market ? and where is the gap ,from which you can earn  money you need to make sure everything happening  in the market you are aware of it .A deep market research is must and should be done if you want your business to be profitable   Competitive Analysis :-                                                             one of the major  aspect to be consider , analysing  your competitors  strategies , weak and strength points . It allows you to position your business  and make  strategies with respect to them if they their are st